GOP candidates who embrace far-right QAnon conspiracy theory score primary wins – By Christopher Wilson (Yahoo) / July 1 2020
A candidate who has expressed enthusiasm for QAnon knocked off a Trump-endorsed Republican incumbent in Colorado’s House primary Tuesday night, becoming the latest in a string of victorious GOP candidates who have embraced the conspiracy theory.
Bar owner and gun rights activist Lauren Boebert, 33, defeated five-time incumbent Rep. Scott Tipton in Colorado’s Third Congressional District, which encompasses the mostly rural western half of the state. Boebert ran to Tipton’s right, saying he wasn’t supportive enough of President Trump.
Lauren Boebert, who owns Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colo., upset five-time incumbent Rep. Scott Tipton in Colorado’s Republican primary on Tuesday. (Emily Kask/AFP via Getty Images)
Boebert is the owner of Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colo., a restaurant where the waitstaff carry holstered handguns. She has been outspoken in her opposition to social distancing lockdowns put in place to try to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
“Our freedom and our Constitutional rights are on the ballot this November and Republicans just sent a loud and clear message that they want me there to fight for them,” she said in a statement issued from her campaign.
In May, Boebert appeared on a right-wing online show and was asked what she thought of the “Q movement.”
Continue to article: https://www.yahoo.com/news/qanon-gop-candidates-lauren-boebert-colorado-house-primary-160446428.html