Home Conservative GOP Rep Mo Brooks: Senate Dems Manufacturing Controversies to Drag Out Confirmations,...

GOP Rep Mo Brooks: Senate Dems Manufacturing Controversies to Drag Out Confirmations, Obstruct Votes on Conservative Policy (Breitbart)


GOP Rep Mo Brooks: Senate Dems Manufacturing Controversies to Drag Out Confirmations, Obstruct Votes on Conservative Policy – By Jeff Poor (breitbart.com) / April 24 2018

Tuesday on Birmingham, AL Talk 99.5 radio’s “Matt & Aunie Show,” Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) was asked to react to allegations of wrongdoing by Dr. Ronnie Jackson, President Donald Trump’s nominee to fill the secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs opening.

Brooks suggested there was a strategy employed by Senate Democrats that involved obstructing Trump’s nominees that required confirmation by the U.S. Senate. If Democrats can delay, he argued, then they can avoid votes on conservative policies, which could be problematic for some Democrats in an election year.

“I’m on the House side, so I don’t have any vote on these confirmations,” Brooks said. “I mentioned Jim Bridenstein because I know him personally. I know Mike Pompeo personally. But I am able to observe what is going on in the Senate and it has become quite clear that the Democrats are trying to manufacture controversies in order to be obstructionists. And there’s a political strategy behind it. The more obstructionist they can be in the United States Senate, the more they can drag out this confirmation process — the fewer votes the United States Senate can have on public policy issues.”

“And right now the Democrats don’t want votes on the Senate floor on public policy issues because those votes are apt to be ones the senators don’t want to take,” he continued. “It may put them at risk in the next election. And they’re on issues that are being advanced by conservatives in the House of Representatives or by conservatives in the White House. There’s a big picture strategy.”

Brooks went on to question the timing of the revelations involving Jackson, which he noted did not come out while Jackson was serving for Trump’s predecessors, Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush.


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