Government: Weiner Should Do Prison Time for Teen Sex Crime (


    Government: Weiner Should Do Prison Time for Teen Sex Crime – By Newser Editors and Wire Services ( / Sept 20 2017

    (Newser) – Former US Rep. Anthony Weiner is more than a serial digital philanderer—he’s a danger to the public who deserves two years in prison for encouraging a 15-year-old girl to engage in online sex acts, prosecutors told a judge Wednesday. The AP reports a Manhattan judge is scheduled to sentence Weiner on Monday for transferring obscene material to a minor. The government urged the judge to put Weiner’s claims of a therapeutic awakening in a context of a man who made similar claims after embarrassing, widely publicized interactions with adult women before encountering the teenager online in January 2016. Prosecutors said his conduct “suggests a dangerous level of denial and lack of self-control.”

    “The defendant did far more than exchange typed words on a lifeless cellphone screen with a faceless stranger,” Prosecutors wrote. “Transmitting obscenity to a minor to induce her to engage in sexually explicit conduct by video chat and photo—is far from mere ‘sexting.’ Weiner’s criminal conduct was very serious, and the sentence imposed should reflect that seriousness.” Weiner, 53, said in a submission last week that he’s undergoing treatment and is profoundly sorry for subjecting the North Carolina high school student to what his lawyers called his “deep sickness.” In a plea bargain, Weiner has agreed not to appeal any sentence between 21 and 27 months. Prosecutors said the sentence should fall within that span, and they noted that Probation Office authorities had recommended a 27-month prison term.

    PB/TK – Let’s see Weiner is a habitual offender in the realm of sexting; whether it be adult or teenager receiving material. Losing his Congressional seat, embarrassing his family (not once not twice, nope he went for the hat trick) obviously wasn’t enough. Let him serve some time behind bars and then re-register as a sexual predator upon release. 

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