Harris Announces Federal Help For Wildfire Prevention In Calif. Despite Relief Coming Too Late (OANN)


    Harris Announces Federal Help For Wildfire Prevention In Calif. Despite Relief Coming Too Late – By OAN Newsroom (OANN) / January 24, 2022

    Kamala Harris traveled to Southern California, but seemingly ignored the nearby Tijuana border and other pressing issues.

    During a press conference in San Bernardino Friday, Harris spoke about federal relief for wildfire recovery efforts. In typical fashion she shared her personal experiences and how she dealt with wildfires as well as droughts in her childhood before pandering to firefighters.

    The extraordinary courage of these firefighters is the kind of courage that includes them fighting fires while they are aware that their own home may be burning,” she stated. “I’ve met firefighters who are fighting fires while their own home was burning.

    This comes as Harris has supported coronavirus vaccine mandates for first responders, which for many firefighters has threatened to end their careers. This fact that was glossed over with an announcement of federal funding for the state.

    CONTINUE > https://www.oann.com/harris-announces-federal-help-for-wildfire-prevention-in-calif-despite-relief-coming-too-late/



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