Her Online Sex Life Was Exposed. She Lost Her Election. Now She’s Speaking Out (Politico)


    Her Online Sex Life Was Exposed. She Lost Her Election. Now She’s Speaking Out – By Alexander Burns (Politico) / Dec 9, 2023

    Susanna Gibson’s campaign was rocked when an opponent exposed her private digital life to the public. She won’t be the last.

    It is not often that a state legislative campaign in an off-season election seizes the national spotlight. But that is what happened in September, when the Washington Post revealed that a promising Virginia Democrat, Susanna Gibson, had previously been captured in a recorded video performing sex acts online with her husband.

    Gibson, a 40-year-old nurse practitioner, was running in one of the most competitive elections in the state — a race for a Richmond-area seat in the House of Delegates that had the potential to determine whether Democrats or Republicans would control the chamber. There was unusual national interest in Virginia’s elections because the Republican governor, Glenn Youngkin, had staked his credibility as a national political figure in part on his ability to take full control of state government.

    The video — a recording of an explicit livestream that the Post said had been uploaded elsewhere on the internet — had been shared by a Republican political operative, according to the paper. The Post’s report upended Gibson’s life, to say nothing of her candidacy.

    CONTINUE > https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/12/09/susanna-gibson-virginia-digital-privacy-00130883

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