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Here Are The Most Outrageously Offensive And False Things Alex Jones Has Said


People will believe whatever they want, good or bad/intelligent or not, so I gotta give Alex Jones credit for vomiting so much bullsh*t and becoming wealthy by doing so – PB/TK

Here Are The Most Outrageously Offensive And False Things Alex Jones Has Said – By Willa Frej /  June 12 2017

Far-right radio show host and Infowars founder Alex Jones advocates a range of preposterous and deplorable conspiracy theories. He doesn’t usually get airtime in the mainstream media.

But NBC News’ Megyn Kelly sat down with him and over the weekend she teased a portion of their conversation, set to be aired next Sunday. She explained the interview as an attempt to “shine a light” on a man whom President Donald Trump has praised but many others know little about.

Many who do know about Jones responded to the clip with fury, reminding Kelly of all the questionable things he’s said over the years.

Here’s a little refresher of just what Jones puts out there:

1. The Sandy Hook Shooting Was A Hoax To Promote Gun Control

“The whole thing was fake,” Jones has claimed. He’s accused the parents of the 20 students who were murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012 of being actors who pretended to mourn their children’s deaths.

“I looked at all the angles of Newtown. We didn’t even get any of the really important stuff,” he told Kelly.

These parents are angry at his claims, Kelly said.

“They don’t get angry about the half a million dead Iraqis from the sanctions,” he responded.

2. Clinton’s Campaign Team Ran A Sex Ring From A Pizza Parlor

A conspiracy theory claiming that presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign staff was operating a child sex trafficking ring out of Comet Ping Pong, a pizza restaurant in Washington, D.C., made waves last year. The fake news spread to such an extent that a North Carolina man went there with an assault-style rifle in December to investigate the situation for himself. He fired the gun, although no one was hurt.

Jones peddled the Pizzagate theory on his radio show. “Hillary Clinton has personally murdered children,” he said in November. “I just can’t hold back the truth anymore.”

After the shooting, he dissociated himself from the idea and later apologized when Comet Ping Pong’s owner personally asked Infowars to retract some of its statements.

“We were participating in a discussion that was being written about by scores of media outlets, in one of the most hotly contested and disputed political environments our country has ever seen,” Jones wrote in March. “We relied on third party accounts of alleged activities and conduct at the restaurant.”

3. 9/11 Was An ‘Inside Job’

“I mean criminal elements in our government working with Saudi Arabia and others wanted to frame Iraq for it,” he told Kelly. “Just a fact.”

Continue to huffingtonpost.com article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/alex-jones-conspiracy-theories_us_593eb70ee4b0c5a35ca19685?ncid=inblnkushpmg00000009


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