Highway hypocrisy trips up Ted Cruz in embarrassing fashion (MSNBC)


    Highway hypocrisy trips up Ted Cruz in embarrassing fashion – By Steve Benen (MSNBC) / Sept 22, 2022

    The Texas Republican was delighted to brag about delivering a “great victory” for his constituents. He neglected to mention that he voted against it.

    Over the past several months, a variety of congressional Republicans have tried to take credit for infrastructure projects they voted against, hoping voters wouldn’t know the difference. Leave it to Sen. Ted Cruz, however, to provide us with a classic of the genre.

    Last week, the Texas Republican published this tweet, which read, “The Ports to Plains highway will run from Laredo all the way up to North Dakota and into Canada. This project will bring jobs to Texas and millions of dollars to the state. A great bipartisan victory!”

    The message appeared alongside video in which the GOP senator boasted with great enthusiasm to KAMC-TV in Lubbock about the project, the years of hard work that went into it, and how proud he was of his legislative victory:

    We did the hard work to bring together Democrats and Republicans, and we now have designated I-27, the Ports-to-Plains [highway], to run from Laredo, all the way north through Lubbock, all the way up to Canada. That is going to bring jobs, $55 billion project, you’re talking hundreds of thousands of jobs. You’re talking tens of billions of dollars of additional GDP to the state of Texas. And it’s a great bipartisan victory for the state of Texas.

    CONTINUE > https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/highway-hypocrisy-trips-ted-cruz-embarrassing-fashion-rcna48969

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