Holocaust survivor, Medal of Honor recipient’s story comes to life in graphic novel (Military Times)


    Holocaust survivor, Medal of Honor recipient’s story comes to life in graphic novel – By J.D. Simkins (Military Times) / Oct 1 2020

    The eighth installment in an illustrated series dedicated to soldiers whose actions earned them the nation’s highest award for military valor is now available online.

    The newest edition of “Medal of Honor,” a graphic series produced by the Association of the U.S. Army, spotlights the Korean War — and pre-war — heroics of Tibor Rubin, a Holocaust survivor who immigrated to the United States in 1948.

    Rubin, a Hungarian Jew, was seized by Nazi forces as a teenager while attempting to flee to neutral Switzerland. Following his capture, Rubin and his family came face to face with Dr. Josef Mengele, the diabolical SS physician often called the “Angel of Death” for his practice of inhumane medical experiments on Auschwitz prisoners.

    “Dr. Mengele told us to go left or right,” Rubin told the Los Angeles Times in 2005. “If you went left, you went to a gas chamber. If you went right, you went to work in a labor camp.”

    Continue to article: https://www.militarytimes.com/off-duty/military-culture/2020/10/01/holocaust-survivor-medal-of-honor-recipients-story-comes-to-life-in-graphic-novel/

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