House Bill Tries To Force Trump To Keep Troops In Africa (Defense One)


    House Bill Tries To Force Trump To Keep Troops In Africa – By Katie Bo Williams (Defense One) / March 4 2020

    The legislation from Rep. Jimmy Panetta, D-Calif., raises constitutional concerns but might still be a useful messaging tool for lawmakers.

    Rep. Jimmy Panetta, D-Calif., on Tuesday will introduce legislation limiting President Trump’s ability to remove U.S. troops from Africa, the latest salvo in broad congressional opposition to rumored withdrawals from the continent.

    According to a copy obtained by Defense One, the bill would prevent the administration from using any money in 2020 to “reduce the total number of United States Armed Forces” deployed to Africa until officials produce a series of unclassified reports to Capitol Hill. The reports would cover everything from the impact of the withdrawal on efforts to combat violent extremist groups on the continent to its effects on growing Russian and Chinese influence there.

    Defense Secretary Mark Esper has been carrying out what he terms a “blank slate review” of U.S. forces in Africa — currently around 5,200 troops who are primarily working on counterterrorism missions. Last week, Esper confirmed to lawmakers that he was weighing deep cuts to the region. In testimony before the House Armed Services, he said the options he is considering are “predominantly to reduce presence” as part of an effort to refocus department efforts on threats from China and Russia.

    But lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have pushed back, arguing that pulling back from the region will allow terrorist groups to flourish and give Russia and China room to expand their influence.

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