Home Conservative How conservatives were tricked into opposing the Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act

How conservatives were tricked into opposing the Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act


Are Conservatives against the “Over the counter hearing aid” bill just because Elizabeth Warren’s name is on it? Well some advocacy groups are telling them to do so just for that reason – PB/TK

How conservatives were tricked into opposing the Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act – By Jazz Shaw / June 8 2017

This is probably one of the least reported stories of the month, which isn’t surprising considering the Comey circus. Despite constant reports that “nothing’s getting done” in Congress because of Donald Trump, there is actually work going on. One item on the agenda is a little discussed piece of legislation known as the Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act. Given the name and the far more “exciting” food fights occupying the cable media universe at the moment, you’re to be forgiven if this sounds about as thrilling as watching paint dry, but it’s actually an important piece of legislation.

What the bill seeks to do in a nutshell is to create a new over-the-counter (OTC) category of hearing aids for people with mild to moderate hearing loss. Why is this important? Because under the current maze of byzantine laws which restrict access to such products, a relative handful of companies control the entire market. And you have to go through your doctor and a pharmacy to get your hands on one. The end result is precisely what any fiscal, small government conservative should expect. Less competition, fewer options, stagnant innovation and massively higher prices. (You can be looking at a thousand dollars or more for a relatively low powered hearing aid and many insurance plans don’t cover it.)

The Daily Caller has a beautiful analogy of how this is hurting the marketplace (and patients) which relates it to… mouse traps.

Continue to hotair.com article: http://hotair.com/archives/2017/06/08/conservatives-tricked-opposing-counter-hearing-aid-act/


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