Home Conservative How Hollywood’s Crusade Against Conservatives is Intensifying

How Hollywood’s Crusade Against Conservatives is Intensifying


I call bullsh*t on this. As long as you’re making the Studios money, you’re King/Queen, however once you out live your usefulness in Hollywood you get discarded, it’s that simple.

Hollywood Conservatives whine just as equally as Hollywood Liberals and all this crap about “Conservatives are blackballed in Hollywood” is pure bunk. Some of the biggest names are Hollywood Conservatives.  Just look at the Conservative names of Clint Eastwood, Adam Sandler, Dwayne Johnson, Tom Selleck, Jerry Bruckheimer, hell even Hillary Duff and Jessica Simpson are still cashing in. Maybe, just maybe the so-called talent that whines, just ain’t that talented – PB/TK

How Hollywood’s Crusade Against Conservatives is Intensifying – by Julienne Davis March 23, 2017

When a liberal outlet like The Hollywood Reporter posts a piece about The New McCarthyism in Hollywood, you know something is up.

It might not be about people being called out for being “Communist.” Quite the opposite—it’s a report on the trials and tribulations of being right-wing in a predominantly and aggressively left-wing Tinseltown. But that’s not news to me or any other formerly (or still) closeted conservative in Hollywood.

It’s not news either to the ones that have been “out” awhile. Hollywood has of course long been anti-conservative and vehemently anti-Republican for quite some time. It’s simply “understood” that if you want to work in the entertainment industry, you have to keep your mouth SHUT if you go against the status quo which is unremittingly liberal and pro-Democrat.

But more recently—specifically since Donald Trump became President—this anti-Conservative, anti-Republican sentiment has reached fever pitch. For all the individual controversies revolving around the mindless celebrity comments about Trump, the mindset is shifting even further left.

The Hollywood liberal majority aren’t just against all things conservative or Trump, they are now increasingly unable to suppress violent rage over it.

Continue to heatst.com article: https://heatst.com/culture-wars/how-hollywoods-crusade-against-conservatives-is-intensifying/



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