How Israeli fight against online terrorism led to SCOTUS Section 230 case (Jerusalem Post)


     BEATRIZ GONZALEZ and Jose Hernandez, mother and stepfather of Nohemi Gonzalez, who was killed in an ISIS attack, in front of the Supreme Court in Washington with Shurat Hadin head Nitsana Darshan-Leitner.  (photo credit: SHURAT HADIN)

    How Israeli fight against online terrorism led to SCOTUS Section 230 case – By Michael Starr (Jerusalem Post) / Feb 24, 2023

    LEGAL AFFAIRS: How Israel’s fight against social media’s role in radicalization led to a SCOTUS case that could change the Internet.

    The impact of online terrorist propaganda is still fresh for Beatriz Gonzalez. Her daughter, Nohemi, was murdered in a 2015 Islamic State Paris attack.

    “This has been an injustice,” said Gonzalez, “not only for my daughter but for everybody suffering for their lost loved ones – so many families.”

    On Tuesday, Gonzalez’s call for justice was heard before the US Supreme Court, in a case alleging that Google is liable for the algorithmic amplification of terrorist content on YouTube.

    Gonzalez v. Google and its Wednesday companion case, Twitter v. Taamneh, have not only questioned the responsibility and role that social media platforms play in the recruitment and radicalization of terrorists, but have the potential to reshape the Internet. The cases have challenged Section 230, a controversial code that provides websites with broad immunity from liability for third-party content.


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