Idaho judge says rape is ‘a direct consequence of the social media system’


    WTH? Idaho judge could release a rapist if he agrees not to have sex out of wedlock and then blames social media for today’s rape culture!  – PB/TK 

    Idaho judge says rape is ‘a direct consequence of the social media system’ –  in Twin Falls, Idaho

    An Idaho judge who said a man who raped a 14-year-old girl could be released on probation if he agreed not to have sex outside of wedlock also linked the case to a breakdown of morality in the social media age, adding: “If I had my way, I would eliminate the internet.”

    The unusual requirement that a convict remain celibate as a condition of probation received widespread attention this week, after segments of Judge Randy J Stoker’s ruling were made public.

    “I will tell you, sir, that if you are ever placed on probation to this court, a condition of that probation will be you will not have sexual relations with anyone other than who you are married to, if you’re married, period,” the Twin Falls district judge said.

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