If demographics is destiny, 80 million millennials will decide America’s future


    Should older Americans be concerned about the Millennial voter from here on out? Are these young ones truly stuck in a liberal mindset or are they more moderate then given credit for. Oh I forgot the elder politico/pundit has issues with those that are Fiscally Conservative/Socially Liberal…. Well maybe just the Socially Liberal part – PB/TK

    If demographics is destiny, 80 million millennials will decide America’s future – By Liz Peek / June 17 2017

    It wasn’t James Comey that torpedoed Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid. It wasn’t Jeremy Corbyn who upset Teresa May. It wasn’t fed-up workers who gave the National Front their best-ever showing in recent French elections. It was the children, or, more respectfully, Millennials and Gen Z. Young people who are suddenly deciding elections around the world, and upsetting the applecart.
    Millions of Millennials became Bernie’s “army” and turned their backs on the “inevitable” Hillary Clinton, viewing her as the voice of the establishment.
    Millennials denied UK Conservatives a bigger majority and voted in unexpected numbers. Teresa May’s party won only 18 percent of those 18-24, and 22 percent of the 25-34, with Labor attracting 66 percent and 57 percent of those cohorts respectively.
    The bad news for the U.S. – and for other countries too — is that the newest crop of voters has been steeped in progressive culture and tutored by the liberal media. They are easy prey for those making big and undeliverable promises, like free college or free health care, or free windmills that can save the planet. Having not learned the lessons of history, they (and we) are doomed to repeat them. They must learn all over again how left-wing policies fail to spur growth and incomes, undermine the economy and leave working people behind.

    Continue to foxnews.com article: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/06/17/if-demographics-is-destiny-80-million-millennials-will-decide-americas-future.html


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