Home Conservative In an era of fake news, we need to require truth

In an era of fake news, we need to require truth


Yes in an ERA of ‘fake news,’ which didn’t just begin in January 2017 or January 2008 but since forever but only perfected in the past 25 years, people need to question their source of news. Compare the reports on FOX and MSNBC or Huffpost and Townhall to find the correct conclusion.

No wait, who has time for all that?!  And that’s why the timeframe of 700p-1100p/M-F has Cable News ratings skyrocketing because it’s commentary talking heads

Start there…  – PB/TK

In an era of fake news, we need to require truth – By Allie Stuckey / July 5 2017

When our primary sources of information peddle manipulation and lies, where do we turn for truth? Three reporters have left CNN because yet another story attempting to link President Donald Trump to Russia was found to be false. CNN employees have said on undercover camera that they have been asked to keep Russia in people’s minds because it’s great for ratings.
In this “Millennial Moment,” Allie Stuckey admitted she has no solutions to the media’s constant appeal to their viewers’ emotions. She feared the chaos and uncertainty people feel will leave the United States vulnerable to its enemies. We need to stop talking about “our truth” and start seeking the actual truth.

Continue to theblaze.com article: http://www.theblaze.com/video/allie-in-an-era-of-fake-news-we-need-to-require-truth/


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