In bid to control curriculums, conservatives fund school board races (CS Monitor)


    In bid to control curriculums, conservatives fund school board races – By Collin Binkley and Julie Carr Smyth (Associated Press) / Oct 11, 2022

    Often-ignored school board elections are in the spotlight in the run-up to midterm elections as conservative groups spend millions on the races. Their aim is to scale back teachings on race and sexuality.

    As Republicans and Democrats fight for control of Congress this fall, a growing collection of conservative political action groups is targeting its efforts closer to home: at local school boards.

    Their aim is to gain control of more school systems and push back against what they see as a liberal tide in public education classrooms, libraries, sports fields, and even building plans.

    Once seen as sleepy affairs with little interest outside their communities, school board elections started to heat up last year as parents aired frustrations with pandemic policies. As those issues fade, right-leaning groups are spending millions on candidates who promise to scale back teachings on race and sexuality, remove offending books from libraries, and nix plans for gender-neutral bathrooms or transgender-inclusive sports teams.

    Democrats have countered with their own campaigns portraying Republicans as extremists who want to ban books and rewrite history.



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