In the South, Lawmakers Rethink Medicaid Expansion (US News)


    In the South, Lawmakers Rethink Medicaid Expansion – By Daniel Chang and Andy Miller (KFF Health News) / Feb 18, 2024

    Lawmakers in some Southern states are reconsidering opposition in light of strong public support for Medicaid expansion and pleas from powerful sectors of the health care industry.

    As a part-time customer service representative, Jolene Dybas earns less than $15,000 a year, which is below the federal poverty level and too low for her to be eligible for subsidized health insurance on the Obamacare marketplace.

    Dybas, 53, also does not qualify for Medicaid in her home state of Alabama because she does not meet the program requirements. She instead falls into a coverage gap and faces hundreds of dollars a month in out-of-pocket payments, she said, to manage multiple chronic health conditions.

    “I feel like I’m living in a state that doesn’t care for me,” said Dybas, a resident of Saraland, a suburb of Mobile.

    Alabama is one of 10 states that have refused to adopt the Affordable Care Act’s expansion of Medicaid, the government health insurance program for people who are low-income or disabled.


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