Home Conservative Intel Officials: High-End Brothels Likely a Honeypot Scheme (Newsmax)

Intel Officials: High-End Brothels Likely a Honeypot Scheme (Newsmax)


Intel Officials: High-End Brothels Likely a Honeypot Scheme – By Nicole Wells (Newsmax) / Jan 3, 2024

Six high-end brothels in the suburbs of Boston and Washington, D.C., were likely set up by a foreign intelligence service in a honeypot scheme to glean U.S. secrets, intelligence officials say.

The officials, who spoke with the Daily Mail, say the brothels targeted politicians, senior government officials, and defense contractors.

While a 41-year-old South Korean woman is accused of masterminding the operation, the intel officials say that a handful of other countries could actually be behind the scheme, including Russia, China, and even Israel.

“Having the Koreans out front could have been a false flag to give China or another country plausible deniability if the plot unraveled,” a former CIA senior operations officer told the Mail.

CONTINUE > https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/brothels-espionage-honeypot/2024/01/03/id/1148093/


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