Is walking 10,000 steps every day really necessary? (CNN)


    Is walking 10,000 steps every day really necessary? – By Lindsay Bottoms (University of Hertfordshire) / Mar 16 2021

    Editors Note: The views expressed in this commentary are solely those of the writers. CNN is showcasing the work of The Conversation, a collaboration between journalists and academics to provide news analysis and commentary. The content is produced solely by The Conversation.

    (The Conversation)When it comes to being fit and healthy, we’re often reminded to aim to walk 10,000 steps per day. This can be a frustrating target to achieve, especially when we’re busy with work and other commitments.

    Most of us know by now that 10,000 steps is recommended everywhere as a target to achieve — and yet where did this number actually come from?

    The 10,000 steps a day target seems to have come about from a trade name pedometer sold in 1965 by Yamasa Clock in Japan. The device was called “Manpo-kei“, which translates to “10,000 steps meter”. This was a marketing tool for the device and has seemed to have stuck across the world as the daily step target. It’s even included in daily activity targets by popular smartwatches, such as Fitbit.



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