Home Liberal It is not ‘indoctrination’ to talk to our children about politics. It...

It is not ‘indoctrination’ to talk to our children about politics. It is necessary


We can only shield our children from the political world for so long before they start to question or come into contact. Yes we, as parents, are the first to indoctrinate political belief in these young minds for good/bad of the topic, problem being sometimes our own political belief lacks common sense – PB/TK

It is not ‘indoctrination’ to talk to our children about politics. It is necessary –  The Guardian

A few days ago it occurred to me that my daughter, now in the first grade, would be nearing 11 years old when Donald Trump ends his first – and hopefully last – term as president. If the unthinkable happened and Trump was re-elected, she will have spent her entire adolescence with a dangerous bigot as the leader of her country.

It is because of this thought, this sadness for her and her childhood, that my husband and I speak fairly openly with our daughter about what is happening politically. We tell her, in an age-appropriate way, how the government wants to stop letting people who need help into the country because they look different or believe different things. We tell her that the men in charge think that women should be forced to have babies even when they don’t want to. We tell her that not everyone can look to the police for help.

She deserves to know, as young as she is. And for the same reason I teach her that it’s important to be kind to people, to clean up your own messes and to work hard – I also teach her that it’s everyone’s responsibility to do something now.

Continue to theguardian.com article: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/03/children-talk-politics-indoctrination-right-wrong-morals

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