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It Took Caesars Less Than 24 Hours To Cancel Stew Peters’ ‘Extreme Accountability Event’ (Right Wing Watch)


It Took Caesars Less Than 24 Hours To Cancel Stew Peters’ ‘Extreme Accountability Event’ – By Kyle Mantyla (Right Wing Watch) / May 24, 2024

On Tuesday night, far-right broadcaster Stew Peters announced that he would be holding an “Extreme Accountability Event” in October at Caesars Atlantic City Hotel and Casino in New Jersey.

On Wednesday, Right Wing Watch reported on Peters’ plan, noting that he is a virulent antisemite and racist who has openly advocated violence and called for the overthrow of the U.S. government. RWW also revealed exactly what Peters had in mind for this event:

According to the website, the theme of the weekend will be “Nuremberg 2.0” and the event will feature “drinks and specialty cocktails all weekend like ‘The Retribution’ and ‘Bloody Bidens,’” as well as “a red-carpet ‘Gallows Gala’” and a “Gallows and Mimosas” brunch.

But the highlight of the event will be a literal book-burning, reminiscent of those that occurred in Nazi Germany, which Peters has repeatedly praised.

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