It won’t be like last time: 2024 Michigan GOP presidential primary explained (Detroit Free Press)


    It won’t be like last time: 2024 Michigan GOP presidential primary explained – By Todd Spangler (Detroit Free Press) / Dec 4, 2023

    Time was, a voter could rely on Michigan’s presidential primaries being pretty cut and dried: Both major parties, same date, pick your ballot, vote.

    And that was only three years ago.

    Next year, however, it’s going to be more complicated, especially for Republican voters, who are going to see Michigan’s role in the national nomination evolve into a two-step primary/convention process spaced out over at least five days.

    We’re going to explain how that process will work below. But first, it’s important to know a few things. First, we’re only talking about Michigan’s part in deciding the major party nominees for president, not those for other offices like U.S. senator or congressperson, with those primaries still on the first Tuesday in August.


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