Joe Biden has a few (actually many) things on his mind – By Mark Z. Barabak (LA Times) / Feb 8 2020
MANCHESTER, N.H. — For 20 minutes it was Joe Biden, live and unplugged.
Standing with a hand-held microphone, before a dozen TV cameras and scores of reporters, the former vice president held forth Saturday. Not as someone whose decades-long political career was on the line, which it may well be in Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary.
More like a man set free, his tongue loosened and liberated — although, it should be said, for much of this campaign it has been Biden who chose to avoid the kind of free-ranging, all-access press policy that transformed Pete Buttigieg from a pinpoint to a serious contender for the Democratic nomination.
The former vice president was cloistered — seen by reporters but not available for questions — until his dire political situation left him no choice but to shed his front-runner’s presumption and show a bit of stagy swagger. Finishing fourth in the Iowa caucuses will do that to a candidate whose White House bid is heavily premised on supposed electability.
For the loquacious Biden, standing in a campaign field office in a former American Legion Hall, it was like a dam burst open. Or a shaken soda bottle, uncorked.
He talked. And talked and talked some more: about his rivals and their extravagant promises — “C’mon, man” — about the absurdity of those crowded debates, where seemingly everyone and their brother has been allowed on stage.
“You call those debates?” he demanded. “I’ve been in debates.”
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