Home Liberal Johnson Does Virtually Exactly What McCarthy Did To Keep Government Open (Talking...

Johnson Does Virtually Exactly What McCarthy Did To Keep Government Open (Talking Points Memo)


Johnson Does Virtually Exactly What McCarthy Did To Keep Government Open – By Kate Riga (Talking Points Memo) / Nov 14, 2023

The House of Representatives passed a clean continuing resolution Tuesday with hefty bipartisan support, averting the shutdown that would have followed the expiration of the last stopgap, which cost former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) his job.

How did Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) pull off such a feat? He did essentially the exact same thing McCarthy did, avoiding a similar fate by dint of such incidentals as his newness in the post and members’ eagerness to get home for Thanksgiving.

Both had to produce versions of the stopgaps that could garner Democratic votes and, consequently, pissed off their right flank. Both had tried feinting in the hard-right direction before caving to work with Democrats as the shutdown deadline got nearer.

The right wing this time still isn’t happy about the CR — but seems completely disinclined to punish Johnson for the same behavior that lost McCarthy the gavel.

CONTINUE > https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/johnson-mccarthy-shutdown-continuing-resolution


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