Judge rejects bid for House members to attend sessions remotely (New Hampshire Union Leader)


    Judge rejects bid for House members to attend sessions remotely – By Kevin Landrigan (New Hampshire Union Leader) / Feb 22 2021

    CONCORD — A federal judge on Monday dismissed House Democrats’ lawsuit seeking to allow legislators with health issues to attend House sessions remotely.

    In a 17-page decision, U.S. District Court Chief Justice Landya McCafferty said House Speaker Sherman Packard cannot be sued over rulings he made about the operation of the New Hampshire House of Representatives.

    “The court concludes that the speaker is immune from plaintiffs’ suit, challenging his enforcement of a House rule that is closely related to core legislative functions,” McCafferty wrote.

    The lawsuit, brought by House Democratic leader Renny Cushing of Hampton and colleagues, maintained that rejecting online access to members with serious medical conditions who could die from contact with COVID-19 violates the federal Americans with Disabilities Act and the federal and state constitutions.

    CONTINUE > https://www.unionleader.com/news/health/coronavirus/judge-rejects-bid-for-house-members-to-attend-sessions-remotely/article_15e6f933-225d-5b94-97c7-01fa3db5e009.html?block_id=998119


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