Judge Releases Proud Boys Leader Charged in Capitol Riot, Pending Trial – By Theodore Bunker (Newsmax) / Feb 8 2021
A federal judge in Seattle has granted a Proud Boys leader’s request to be released pending his trial for charges related to the Capitol riot, CNN reports.
“While you are out, you must maintain good conduct,” Magistrate Judge Brian Tsuchida told Ethan Nordean, who the court notes is also known as “Rufio Panman,” on Monday.
Nordean faces four charges related to alleged actions outside and inside the Capitol building on January 6, the day of the riot, including “aiding and abetting injury to government property, obstructing an official proceeding, entering the restricted grounds of the Capitol and disorderly conduct,” according to CNN.
Prosecutors accuse the 30-year-old Washington native, who they note “is a Proud Boys member who occupies leadership positions in the Seattle Chapter” of the organization and others of having “led” a group of Proud Boys, who were “dressed ‘incognito,’” towards the Capitol building, which he entered after others broke into the building and forced their way inside.
CONTINUE > https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/proudboys-capitolriot-judge-release/2021/02/08/id/1009148/