Kelli Ward Urges ‘Reopen’ Protesters To Masquerade As Health Care Workers – By Kate Riga (Talking Points Memo) / April 27 2020
Dr. Kelli Ward, the far-right conspiracy theory-embracing chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party, encouraged her Twitter followers to don scrubs and personal protective equipment while attending “reopen” rallies to bamboozle the media.
As protesters have staged rallies in various state capitols, demanding that the governors open businesses back up amid the coronavirus pandemic, images of health care workers counter-protesting them have gone viral.
The state’s Democratic party ridiculed Ward in a statement.
“If anyone’s status as a health care professional should be questioned it’s Dr. Kelli Ward’s, considering her unwillingness to promote the advice of health experts,” said Matt Grodsky, spokesman for the party. “Irresponsible, shameful tweets like this do nothing to help people afflicted with the virus or the health care heroes who are working to save lives.”
Ward is a doctor of osteopathic medicine.
Continue to article: https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/kelli-ward-arizona-republicans-reopen-covid-protests