Home Liberal Kellyanne Conway mocks Reince Priebus to reporters during Washington party

Kellyanne Conway mocks Reince Priebus to reporters during Washington party


One big happy family. It’s one thing to surround yourself by your rivals, but when your rivals are also rivals and seem more prone to backstab each other then to help you’ve got a situation that needs nixed – PB/TK

Kellyanne Conway mocks Reince Priebus to reporters during Washington party –  By Hunter / June 11 2017

Want a bit of pointless fun? Horrible Trump “counselor” Kellyanne Conway, known ’round television-land for her furious defense of Trump and her demands that all these people leaking bad things about the White House to reporters stop right now or face Bad Person Jail Time or whatever was caught blasting her White House co-workers in an off-the-record conversation with reporters at a Washington party.

‘She had a good/cruel riff mocking @Reince45 in WH staff meetings. “No leaks guuuys” she said, mimicking him in a dopey voice,’ Conway was heard saying, according to the alleged insider.

‘He should just be honest: “I’m upset because there’s someone working on a story who pronounces it RAYNSE instead of REINCE”.’ […]

‘So @KellyannePolls held court for awhile. Along with knocking @Reince45, she also made jokes about the ineffectiveness of his RNC world,’ a tweet read.

‘At one point @KellyannePolls said “Honestly, what the f*** does Marc Short do all day?”‘

While it’s important to be skeptical of anonymous Twitter accounts purporting to leak insider information about what so-and-so is doing at a Washington party (in this case, at the British Embassy), the tweeter included pictures of Conway engaged in the conversation and Politico was able to confirm her remarks. Possibly because, you know, she was speaking to multiple reporters at the time.

Continue to dailykos.com: http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/6/11/1670815/-Kellyanne-Conway-mocks-Reince-Priebus-to-reporters-during-Washington-party


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