Kentuckians are going on a massive gun and ammo buying spree for ‘fear of the unknown’ (Louisville Courier Journal)


    Kentuckians are going on a massive gun and ammo buying spree for ‘fear of the unknown’ – By Jonathan Bullington (Louisville Courier Journal) / March 19 2020

    BARDSTOWN — The digital counter above the long glass display case at Kentucky Gun Co. read 60 when Kerry Hinkle Jr. got there late Wednesday morning.

    He pulled No. 90 from the red ticket dispenser — the kind used at a deli — and went off to find ammunition.

    Two hours later, Hinkle stood waiting by the counter, holding a black box filled with bullets: 9 mm, 200 rounds; four boxes of 12-gauge shotgun shells, five to a box.

    “No. 87!” an employee yelled. “87! Y’all holler and communicate. It makes things easier on this side of the counter.”

    “This is crazy,” Hinkle said, looking at the crowded store.

    Hinkle had been thinking about buying his first gun for some time. He researched prices online and asked his friends who owned them for advice.

    Earlier in the week, scrolling through news headlines of the coronavirus outbreak, he decided now was the time.

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