Killer robot swarms, an update (Politico)


    The Pentagon, in Arlington, Virginia.

    Killer robot swarms, an update – By Matt Berg (Politico) / Feb 7, 2023

    So, you think killer robots are scary? Try an entire swarm of them.

    It’s no secret that militaries around the world are competing to develop the smartest weapons.

    But AI in warfare doesn’t necessarily mean high-powered brains — it can also be a blizzard of dumb-ish little vehicles overwhelming an enemy. Vladimir Putin, in a speech about AI war several years ago, predicted that “when one party’s drones are destroyed by drones of another, it will have no other choice but to surrender.”

    So where’s the Pentagon on this? Developing an effective drone swarm — a group of autonomous drones that can communicate to achieve a goal — is “without a doubt a priority” for the U.S. military, Elke Schwarz, author of Death Machines: The Ethics of Violent Technologies, told Digital Future Daily.


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