Ku Klux Klan ‘Kookout’ In Indiana Foiled By Local Residents, Protesters (Inquisitr)


    Ku Klux Klan ‘Kookout’ In Indiana Foiled By Local Residents, Protesters – By Tyler MacDonald (Inquisitr) / Sept 2 2019

    A small group of Ku Klux Klan (KKK) members dressed with KKK logos, Confederate flags, and masks reportedly planned a “Kookout” in Jaycee Park near the Ohio River. Despite their plans for a Labor Day get-together, USA Today reports that it only lasted about 20 minutes before protesters — some with bandannas covering their faces — arrived and drove them away.

    According to an anonymous Klan spokesperson, the Madison Parks and Recreation Department denied the KKK’s reservation for the gathering, but they showed up anyway.

    “With the Madison parks department refusing to honor our previously accepted reservation, less than 30 days before our attendance was to be expected, we are unable to fulfill their demands,” the spokesperson said prior to the event.

    “They are discriminating against us due to our beliefs and the name we go by,” they added.

    The Courier Journal reported last week that the KKK’s flyer for the event promoted it using language similar to Donald Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again.”

    “Make America Safe! Make America Drug Free! Make America White! Make America Great! Take a Stand!!! Join the Klan!!!”

    “Never! Never! Apologize for Being White!” is written at the bottom of the page.

    White supremacist terrorism is an issue that some suggest is being exacerbated by Trump. An ABC News investigation last year revealed that there were at least 17 cases of violent crimes in which the accused invoked the name of the president and echoed his reported rhetoric toward minorities and immigrants. In most cases, the attackers were white, and the victims were members of a minority group. Interestingly, the investigation found no such cases under former President Barack Obama or George W. Bush


    Per The Inquisitr, a previously hidden homeland security report called “Domestic Terrorism in 2018,” posted online by the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparations, reveals that every act of domestic “racially-based” terrorism in 2018 was the result of white supremacists. The report was allegedly kept out of the public eye by the Trump administration. Despite this data, Yahoo! News revealed that a separate leaked FBI document lists “Black Identity Extremists” and “animal rights/environmental extremists” as the biggest counterterrorism threats.

    Trump also came under fire recently for tweeting a campaign video that including a logo created and promoted by VDATE, a white supremacist and anti-immigrant group. However, the Mediaite report that discovered the source of the logo claims that there is no evidence that Trump’s campaign was aware of the history behind the logo.



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