Lauren Boebert Floats Adding Human Babies to Endangered Species List (Newsweek)


    Lauren Boebert Floats Adding Human Babies to Endangered Species List

    Lauren Boebert Floats Adding Human Babies to Endangered Species List – By Nick Mordowanec (Newsweek) / Mar 23 2023

    Republican Representative Lauren Boebert flashed photos of baby fetuses during a House hearing Thursday on endangered species.

    The Colorado congresswoman showed the images as the Subcommittee on Water, Wildlife and Fisheries discussed potential improvements to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in relation to its 50th anniversary. The hearing focused on de-listing the grey wolf and the grizzly bear.

    Boebert, a staunch foe of abortion, was selected to serve on the subcommittee as part of the current Congress. She has either sponsored or co-sponsored multiple abortion-related bills since December.

    “I do want to say before my opening remarks, you know, since we’re talking about the Endangered Species Act, I’m just wondering if my colleagues on the other side would put babies on the endangered species list,” Boebert said, proceeding to flash multiple photos of unspecified fetuses. “These babies were born in Washington, D.C., full term. I don’t know, maybe that’s a way we can save some children here in the United States.”



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