Home Conservative Law and Order Isn’t Fascist (National Review)

Law and Order Isn’t Fascist (National Review)


Law and Order Isn’t Fascist – By Rich Lowry (National Review) / June 9 2020

It’s the New York Times and other woke voices, not President Trump, that want to stifle dissent.

Confronted by a clear and present fascist threat, the staff of the New York Times rose up last week to humiliate and punish quislings in its ranks.

In a now famous op-ed, Arkansas senator Tom Cotton called for federal troops to quell riots and looting, an idea that the Times staff considered worthy of Oswald Mosley or Benito Mussolini.

As the Times was disavowing the Cotton piece and preparing to push out or demote its top opinion staffers for publishing it, columnist Michelle Goldberg wrote a response called “Tom Cotton’s Fascist Op-Ed.”

She acknowledged that the Times published Russian president Vladimir Putin and Taliban leader Sirajuddin Haqqani, and “a similar case could be made for hearing from Cotton, an enemy of liberal democracy.” But the difference is that Cotton “is calling for what would almost certainly amount to massive violence against his fellow citizens.”

Continue to article: https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/06/george-floyd-protests-media-law-and-order-isnt-fascist/


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