“Leave him alone”: Trump voters weigh in on president’s performance


    I will give POTUS Donnie this, yes it’s hard to judge a presidential performance when your own Party is obstructing your agenda. But with that said, POTUS Donnie is the major cause of his own bad press. By attacking the Media, midnight tweet attacks on other heads of state, and unable to control the message, yeah it’s hard to leave someone alone in the most publicly accessible position in the world for someone who loves the attention. – PB/TK

    “Leave him alone”: Trump voters weigh in on president’s performance – By Dean Reynolds / June 20 2017

    OSHKOSH, Wis. — As President Trump marks five months in office Tuesday, he has hit a new low in a CBS News poll.

    Only 36 percent of Americans told us they approve of the job he’s doing. Mr. Trump is even losing support among Republicans.

    At Two Brothers Restaurant in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Trump supporters like Ken Schoenike are getting impatient — but not with the president.

    “Leave him alone. Let him do what he wants to do. The media is hounding on him constantly. I mean, really?” said Schoenike.

    This group of retirees backs Mr. Trump on almost every move he makes, but with one exception, according to Adolf Hendricks.

    “I think I would like to see him a little more presidential, perhaps, a little more dignified,” he told CBS News.

    Les Talo says enough with the tweets.

    “It just gives the Democrats fodder for their daily attacks on him,” Talo said.

    Continue to cbsnews.com article: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-voters-weigh-in-oshkosh-wisconsin-approval-rating/


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