Home Conservative Liberal Hack Ted Koppel Tells Sean Hannity to His Face That He’s...

Liberal Hack Ted Koppel Tells Sean Hannity to His Face That He’s Bad


It’s actually kinda funny when Media decides who is right/wrong to report news for ‘Murica. But then again, majority of Media has become more pundit/commentator then actual journalist – PB/TK

Liberal Hack Ted Koppel Tells Sean Hannity to His Face That He’s Bad  –

Far left media tantrums continue–
Ted Koppel invited top cable news host Sean Hannity on “CBS Sunday Morning” on Sunday to bash him right to his face.

Koppel told Sean Hannity he was “bad for America.”

Sean Hannity: You think I’m bad for America?

Ted Koppel: Yes.

Sean Hannity: You really do.

Ted Koppel: in the long haul.

Sean Hannity: That’s sad, Ted. That’s sad.

Sean was a true gentleman to sit there and take the abuse rather than walking off the interview.

Continue to gatewaypundit.com article: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/03/liberal-hack-ted-koppel-tells-sean-hannity-face-hes-bad-america-video/


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