Home Liberal Libertarian VP Candidate Seen With Boogaloo Group Claiming to Work Security for...

Libertarian VP Candidate Seen With Boogaloo Group Claiming to Work Security for Him (Right Wing Watch)


Libertarian VP Candidate Seen With Boogaloo Group Claiming to Work Security for Him – By Kristen Doerer (Right Wing Watch) / Oct 28 2020

In an unprecedented presidential election between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden, very little attention has been paid to Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate for president of the United States, or her running mate, Jeremey “Spike” Cohen, who are polling at less than 2 percent, according to RealClearPolitics’ average. But in an election in which Trump and his team’s connections to extremists and endorsements of their causes have been well documented, it appears that he is not the only person appearing on the ballot in all 50 states with extremist connections.

In a private Boogaloo group chat on the social media platform MeWe, user Zakk Mando shared a photo of Cohen standing next to five men in Hawaiian shirts—the signature uniform of the Boogaloo movement—last Thursday. After sharing the photo, Zakk Mando followed up with a message to the group (some of whom hail from Missouri) a minute later, “Hung out with Spike at Waffle House last night.”

Just two days earlier, Zakk Mando had claimed that he and other Boogaloo bois would work security for “Spike” Cohen.

“Me and my Missouri bois will be working security for Spike Cohen tomorrow. Get your local goons and train. The time.is long gone for shitposting to be effective. If you hsvent found a group of guys you can get face to face with by now, you’re behind the curve and the rest of us think you’re a cosplayer,” he messaged the group.

Continue to article: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/10/jim-watkins-child-pornography-domains/


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