Lindsey Graham to Illegals: ‘You’ll Make America a Better Place’ – By Penny Starr ( / Oct 5 2017
GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham told a large group of young illegal aliens on Capitol Hill that they will make America a better place.
“So here’s how this movie ends — your dream is going to come true,” the South Carolina Senator said Wednesday as the crowd of roughly 100 so-called ‘dreamers’ cheered. He continued:
All of you are going to have certainty in your lives. You’re going to get a chance to go out there and live that dream and you’ll make America a better place.
The Dream Act of 2017, or S. 1615, was introduced by Graham and is co-sponsored by long-time amnesty advocate Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL). The legislation would legalize at least 780,000 young illegal aliens who were brought to the United States illegally by their parents and provide a fast-track “pathway to citizenship.”
Four million young Americans — including 800,000 with skilled college degrees — join the workforce each year, looking to find decent jobs, get married and raise a family. in an economy where mens’ wages have been flat since 1973.
“Here’s the deal,” Graham said. “I’ve never felt better about the Dream Act than I do right now.”
Graham said the legislators are working to meet a March deadline imposed by President Donald Trump in September when he ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy. That amnesty policy was put in place by President Barack Obama in June 2012.
The DACA policy temporarily protected young illegal aliens from deportation and issued them work permits.
Graham repeatedly said he and others in Congress are doing the people’s will by pushing the amnesty. “The American people have heard you,” Graham said. “They share your dream and overwhelmingly support your dream.”
In fact, polls show that Americans strongly oppose immigration policies which sideline Americans
Graham mentioned border security but did not give specific details. “We’re going to secure the border because we need to,” Graham said.
PB/TK – Oh the “Southern Belle” is still trying to gain traction after failing on Health Care a few weeks back. He better make sure his plan has buddy McCain’s thumbs up before taking another step forward