Locked-down California runs out of reasons for surprising surge (Politico)


    Locked-down California runs out of reasons for surprising surge – By Victoria Colliver (Politico) / Dec 23 2020

    America’s most populous state has become one of the nation’s worst epicenters for the coronavirus.

    OAKLAND, Calif. — California has had some of the toughest restrictions in the country to combat the coronavirus, from a complete ban on restaurant dining to travel quarantines and indoor gym closures.

    It hasn’t been enough.

    America’s most populous state has become one of the nation’s worst epicenters for the disease, setting new records for cases, hospitalizations and deaths almost every day. Things are so bad in Southern California that some patients are being treated in hospital tents, while doctors have begun discussing whether they need to ration care.

    The turnabout has confounded leaders and health experts. They can point to any number of reasons that contributed to California’s surge over the past several weeks. But it is hard to pinpoint one single factor — and equally hard to find a silver bullet.

    CONTINUE >  https://www.politico.com/news/2020/12/23/california-covid-surge-450315

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