Louie Gohmert leaves Congress having passed one law and spread countless falsehoods (Texas Tribune)


    Louie Gohmert leaves Congress having passed one law and spread countless falsehoods – By Eric Neugeboren (Texas Tribune) / Aug 18, 2022

    Gohmert was a precursor to former President Donald Trump’s brand of populist, establishment-bucking conservatism that delights in offending progressives and makes no apologies for spreading misinformation.

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    WASHINGTON — In 2010, U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert warned the nation from the floor of the House of Representatives about a looming threat: terrorist babies. He described — without providing evidence — a diabolical and far-fetched scheme in which foreign enemies were sending pregnant women to the U.S. to birth babies that would emerge decades later as terrorists.

    He found out about it, he said, from a conversation with a retired FBI agent on a flight, even as the FBI said it had no information about any such plot.

    He would go on to fight with CNN anchor Anderson Cooper in an interview that went viral as he for nearly 10 minutes refused to answer questions or provide evidence of the claim, while yelling at Cooper for “attacking the messenger.”

    CONTINUE > https://www.texastribune.org/2022/08/18/louie-gohmert-texas-congress/

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