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Louisiana Man Sure Scientists Could Reverse Abortions If They Weren’t On The Rag


How does science reverse an abortion? – PB/TK

Louisiana Man Sure Scientists Could Reverse Abortions If They Weren’t On The Rag – By Five Dollar Feminist

Louisiana Rep. Frank Hoffman (R-Ouachita, Gezundheit) is SO MAD at science you guys! He sponsored bills for Louisiana Society of Anesthesiologists Day on April 11, and YMCA Day on the 12. But he’ll have no truck with So Called Science Day, Goshdarnit! All he asked from Science was to help him pass his Uh Huh Abortion Is TOO Reversible Act. Just last year he said, “Go forth and find me some proof that medication abortions can be reversed when Jesus comes into the heart of a fallen woman and shows her that a baby is God’s righteous punishment for her sins.” (More or less.)
“WHEREAS, news reports published in February of 2015 indicated that Dr. George Delgado, medical director at Culture of Life Family Health Care in San Diego, California, had developed and successfully implemented a method of reversing what was thought to be the inevitably fatal effect of the RU-486 abortion pill; […]
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of Louisiana does hereby urge and request the Department of Health and Hospitals to study whether the effects of an abortion induced with drugs or chemicals can be reversed.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Health and Hospitals shall convene a panel of experts in obstetrics and gynecology and pharmacology to provide guidance on this matter and aid them in their study […]”

Representative Hoffman is obviously not a regular reader of your Wonkette, or the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Only last month we shouted the word VAGINA!!! at an Indiana legislator and explained to him that Dr. Delgado injecting six women with a massive dose of progesterone was NOT SCIENCE.

Continue to wonkette.com article: https://wonkette.com/616147/louisiana-man-sure-scientists-could-reverse-abortions-if-they-werent-on-the-rag

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