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Major ‘Furry’ Convention Canceled Amid Furor Over Nazis, Violence and a Registered Sex Offende


Fury over the Furries – PB/TK 

Major ‘Furry’ Convention Canceled Amid Furor Over Nazis, Violence and a Registered Sex Offender – By William Hicks April 14, 2017

If you read the lamestream media, you may get the impression that Nazis are everywhere. Even in the once pure and idyllic furry community (people who dress up in plush animal costumes and sometimes have sex in those costumes, although furries will say that is not the point of the fandom) the press is giving credence to a rise of furry Nazidom.

And now the fur is flying.

While we’ve written about Nazi furs and the “Altfurry” movement before, most of the Nazis in the furry community are ironic trolls or simply furries who fetishize the outfits and Nazi military history (look up Wehraboos).

But that’s not important. The issue at hand, making headlines from the Denver Post to the The Daily Beast was the cancellation of the Rocky Mountain Furry Convention, a gathering of about 1,600 furries going back annually for 10 years.

The event was cancelled after back and forth “threats” made on Twitter by antifa (anti-fascist) and an anonymous person who were considered “credible” by the police, which resulted security costs of the event to skyrocket to around $22,000. Antifas are known for their strong arm tactics and their willingness to use violence to “stop fascism.”

Continue to heatst.com article: https://heatst.com/culture-wars/major-furry-convention-canceled-amid-furor-over-nazis-violence-and-a-registered-sex-offender/


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