Man in custody after allegedly driving car into Trump supporters in Fla. – By OAN Newsroom Staff (OANN) / Feb 9 2020
Florida police took 27-year-old Gregory Timm into custody on Saturday in connection with what may have been an attack on Trump supporters. He was charged with aggravated assault just hours after he allegedly drove his van into a Republican voter registration tent.
According to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Department, the tent was in a shopping center parking lot, where at least six Trump campaign volunteers were trying to help register new voters. Timm reportedly drove up and waved at the party, seeming friendly, before suddenly accelerating his car directly into them.
“I thought he was going to slow down, but he didn’t,” said one volunteer. “He gunned his engine and went straight.”
Luckily, no one was injured. However, witnesses said the driver came within inches of them.
“After he ran over everything, he backed up, took out a cellphone, kind of recorded the damage, made some obscene gestures at us and then proceeded to leave the complex,” explained another volunteer.
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