Massachusetts tries to allay immigrant concerns about healthcare


    There are some State Attorney Generals issuing guidelines on how schools and  healthcare providers can help immigrants who are afraid to visit doctor/hospital in fears of ICE surprise visits – PB/TK

    Massachusetts tries to allay immigrant concerns about healthcare – By Yasmeen Abutaleb / May 18 2017

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Massachusetts attorney general issued guidelines on Thursday to healthcare providers to help allay concerns among patients who fear they could be deported or arrested while seeking medical services as U.S. President Donald Trump steps up immigration enforcement.

    Healthcare providers are reporting that more immigrants are scared to receive medical care because they fear the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency(ICE) could show up at doctor’s offices and conduct deportation or request personal information, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey said.

    “This administration has sought to create a lot of fear and anxiety in immigrant communities to the point where they’ve stoked fears that taking your child to the doctor or school could result in deportation,” Healey said in an interview.

    Healey also issued guidance to local public school districts about how a school should respond if ICE requests access to interview or take custody of a student, and what information schools should not collect and maintain.

    She did not have data on how widespread either issue is but said anecdotally she has heard from healthcare providers and schools that more immigrants were afraid that receiving medical care or going to school could result in deportation or adversely impact their immigration status.

    The guidance came as Democratic attorneys general and U.S. courts have impeded several of Trump’s immigration policies.

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