Home Liberal May Is Living Unstable Brexit Nightmare She Warned Of

May Is Living Unstable Brexit Nightmare She Warned Of


British PM May used emotion and taglines of “stable and strength of government” to win her seat. Now everything has done a 180 and she faces all challenges she once warned of – PB/TK

May Is Living Unstable Brexit Nightmare She Warned Of – by Robert Hutton and Thomas Penny  / June 16 2017

It is barely a fortnight since Theresa May warned that Britain might head into Brexit negotiations with “a weak and unstable prime minister.” It’s happening. It’s her.
May seemed to have bought herself time at the start of the week, after she apologized to Conservative lawmakers for the election disaster she’d led them into. But the government’s response to a deadly fire in a west London tower block — and May’s initial decision not to talk to survivors — has again highlighted the prime minister’s limitations. When she returned to the scene on Friday, angry crowds hurled abuse.

Turmoil in parliament and protests outside it: That’s the backdrop to May’s preparations for one of the biggest diplomatic challenges a U.K. leader has faced since World War II. She called the election saying only a “strong and stable” government could handle Brexit talks. She’ll go into them without the mandate she hoped for, with senior ministers ordering her to change her negotiating stance, and with European leaders across the table wondering how long she can last.
“Without allies in her party or a majority in parliament, she appears alone and defenseless,” said Rosa Prince, author of “Theresa May: The Enigmatic Prime Minister.” “The fact that all of her problems are of her own making must be particularly galling.”

Continue to Bloomberg.com article: https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2017-06-16/may-is-living-the-weak-unstable-brexit-nightmare-she-warned-of




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