Mayor condemns torch-bearing protesters defending Confederate statue


    Nope nothing to see here just another group of ignorant jackass’ trying to make their voices heard but digging up the past. I’m just trying to connect the dots between Robert E Lee and how “Russia is our friend” – PB/TK

    Mayor condemns torch-bearing protesters defending Confederate statue – By Dylan Stableford /  May 14 2017

    The mayor of Charlottesville, Va., condemned Saturday night’s demonstration by a large group of torch-bearing white nationalists who were protesting the removal of statues honoring Confederate Gens. Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

    “This event involving torches at night in Lee Park was either profoundly ignorant or was designed to instill fear in our minority populations in a way that hearkens back to the days of the KKK,” Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signer said in a statement. “Either way, as mayor of this city, I want everyone to know this: We reject this intimidation. We are a welcoming city, but such intolerance is not welcome here.”

    “I think it’s horrific,” Signer told ABC News. “We’re a city that proudly values our diversity.”

    According to the Daily Progress, a local newspaper, several dozen protesters gathered in the park around 9 p.m. carrying torches and chanting, “You will not replace us,” “Blood and soil” and “Russia is our friend.”

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