McConnell wants a policy-free midterm campaign. Others in the GOP are less sure (NBC News)


    McConnell wants a policy-free midterm campaign. Others in the GOP are less sure – By Peter Nicholas (NBC News) / January 30, 2022

    When former President Donald Trump ran for re-election in 2020, the party didn’t release a platform laying out Republican priorities; Trump was the platform.

    It’s the minimum that voters often expect of congressional candidates: Spell out what it is they would do if elected.

    Yet inside the Republican Party, key leaders are split on whether to roll out any sort of governing agenda ahead of the midterm elections in November. With President Joe Biden’s approval rating tumbling, one GOP faction, headed by Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, is betting that skewering the Democrats is all that’s needed to wrest control of the Senate. Another, led by House GOP chief Kevin McCarthy, is drawing up positions meant to persuade Americans that voting Republican might improve their lives.

    Beneath the dueling approach to the midterms lies a more basic question about the party’s direction. Donald Trump first ran for office promising a sharp break from party orthodoxy. He questioned the merits of free trade and called for withdrawing U.S. forces from prolonged Middle East wars. As his presidency wound down, the party devolved into more of a vehicle for Trump to air grievances and punish foes. A candidate eager for Trump’s endorsement in the GOP primaries now stands a better chance by showing fealty to him rather than committing to a set of principles.


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