McManus: Can Democrats win on crime issues with murders rising? Biden thinks so (Los Angeles Times)


    McManus: Can Democrats win on crime issues with murders rising? Biden thinks so – By Doyle McManus (Los Angeles Times) / June 27 2021

    After years of declining crime rates, the United States is suddenly contending with an upsurge in shootings and murders — and the numbers are sobering.

    In Chicago, homicides soared 56% last year, and they’re up again this year. In New York, last year’s increase was almost 45%; in Los Angeles, it was 36%. If the current pace holds up, 2021 could produce the highest murder rate in a quarter-century.

    Experts haven’t settled on an explanation for the wave of violence, but many say it’s clear the COVID-19 pandemic was a factor: Too many young men with no jobs, time on their hands and plenty of reasons to be angry.

    Republicans are already turning the crime surge into a campaign message: It is the fault of Joe Biden and the soft-on-crime Democrats.


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