Home Conservative Michael Moore Threatens to Begin Fracking Off Trump’s Florida Resort (Newsmax)

Michael Moore Threatens to Begin Fracking Off Trump’s Florida Resort (Newsmax)


Michael Moore Threatens to Begin Fracking Off Trump’s Florida Resort -By Todd Beamon (newsmax.com) / Jan 6 2018

Filmmaker Michael Moore threatened Saturday to begin fracking off President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida to protest the administration’s decision to open nearly all U.S. offshore waters to drilling for oil and natural gas.

Moore, who has long opposed Trump and his policies, took to Twitter:

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke announced a plan Thursday to open nearly all U.S. offshore waters to oil and gas drilling, reversing protections in the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific.

He said the draft National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2019 to 2024 would make over 90 percent of the outer continental shelf’s total acreage available for leasing, including areas put off-limits by the Obama White House.

Florida Republican Gov. Rick Scott immediately opposed Zinke’s plan, saying that he had asked to meet with the secretary to discuss “the crucial need to remove Florida from consideration.”


PB/TK – Ok that’s funny even for Michael Moore (whom I don’t care for). But the only issue is, will Gov Scott allow it, will Moore get a permit and does Donnie think he owns the land under the water as well. 






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