Home Liberal Mike Lee Has Lost His Damn Mind (Splinter)

Mike Lee Has Lost His Damn Mind (Splinter)


Mike Lee Has Lost His Damn Mind – By Nick Martin (Splinter) / March 26 2019

During a Senate debate over the Green New Deal, Sen. Mike Lee of Utah used his time on the Senate floor Tuesday to combat the legislation by way of the most inane bout of pandering possibly ever recorded.

Lee opened with a brief monologue concerning fear, saying that, “unlike some of my colleagues, I’m not immediately afraid of what carbon emissions unaddressed might do to our environment in the near term future.” Likewise, Lee said he is not afraid of the Green New Deal because he doesn’t believe it will pass. Lee then unveiled the above image of President Ronald Reagan riding a velociraptor holding an American flag, and it all went downhill from there.

After noting the Green New Deal’s call to decrease airplane usage, Lee used his time to suggest tauntauns—the space lizards from Empire Strikes Back—as a replacement for those in Alaska. I swear to you, the bad-faith rebuttals only got worse.

Screenshot: CSPAN

Lee followed up the Star Wars reference with one to Aquaman’s large seahorse from Super Friends, saying they would replace inter-continental travel for those in Hawaii.

Screenshot: CSPAN

He then tried to allude to a supposed bovine genocide—aka the call for decreased industrial cow farming—by saying he’s “visited some farms,” and talked to cows about the Green New Deal.

Screenshot: CSPAN

I’m running out of brain cells so let’s cruise through these next few.

There was the reference to Nancy Pelosi negging the Green New Deal:

Screenshot: CSPAN

Then a Sharknado 4 reference.

Screenshot: CSPAN

And, finally, the “solution” to climate change: Babies.

Sen. Patty Murray of Washington was the next to speak after Lee mercifully yielded his time. She chastised him for playing “silly political games,” though, since she did not have a visual aid, Lee simply turned his head to the side and looked to his Big Oil owners for another treat.



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