More California colleges remove SAT, ACT requirements during application process (SF Gate)


    More California colleges remove SAT, ACT requirements during application process – By Lauryn Schroeder (The San Diego Union-Tribune) / Oct 9 2021

    SAN DIEGO — Nearly 130 colleges and universities in California do not require students applying for the Fall 2022 semester to release their ACT or SAT scores, according to updated data from the National Center for Fair & Open Testing.

    The center, also known as FairTest, is a non-profit organization that lobbies for colleges to treat students as “more than a score,” and expand their admission criteria beyond standardized test results.

    “Schools that did not mandate ACT/SAT submission last year generally received more applicants, better academically qualified applicants, and a more diverse pool of applicants,” said FairTest Executive Director Bob Schaeffer.

    According to FairTest, some 1,780 institutions in the U.S. do not require recent high school graduates to submit ACT or SAT results when applying for college.


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